Alberta Personal Bankruptcy on the Rise
To our fellow Albertans:
Cawston and Associates Inc. is a family company. Our family was born and raised in Alberta. During the past 40 years in Alberta we have seen our share of the boom and bust cycle related to the price of oil and other economic factors. From the National Energy Policy to the economic downturn in 2008 we have shared in the struggles of Albertans.
In the past year we have seen a substantial increase in consultations for clients who are having financial difficulties. These are all good people who have lost their jobs, had their hours cut back, and have got a little (or a lot) behind on their taxes and other bills.
The CBC is now reporting that the Alberta economy might be showing signs of recovery. It is unclear at this point if ordinary Albertan’s will see a positive effect on their bottom line.
The majority of our clients find themselves in tax trouble during a difficult financial time, usually because there is not enough money to pay their taxes and their household bills. When their financial situation starts to improve they become easy targets for the CRA to take legal action. When the CRA is taking action against it becomes impossible to ever get ahead again.
If you or your family is struggling with the CRA during this tough financial times come see our family, I know we can help you.