Alberta Government Bill 6 and the Family Farm
Our Firm believes that Bill 6 will pass. The provincial government has done a poor job in explaining the most crucial details in this Bill. We believe that farmers care deeply for all the individuals, paid or otherwise, that work hard to provide food for all Albertans. In most cases farmers have existing insurance that exceeds WCB and actually pays out claims to injured workers.
We believe that farmers have the right to reorganize their affairs in an effort to try and protect their assets from onerous fines that could be assessed by WCB.
These fines and penalties do not go towards injured workers but instead are paid right back into WCB. We strongly suggest that any farmer with concerns should get professional advice to help review their options
Call us today: 403-251-5925

- If a farmer creates another legal entity to pay the non family farm workers does that protect the farm assets?
- In the case of a family farm that is not incorporated is WCB a secured creditor in a bankruptcy action or does the farm exemption apply?
Please seek professional advice.